November is often the last chance for homeowners in Minnesota and Wisconsin to take proactive steps to safeguard their trees and shrubs against the impending winter conditions. Proper care now will ensure plant health and vitality through the dormant winter season and promote vigorous growth next spring.
Here are some important tips that you can do right now:
Contrary to common assumptions, trees and shrubs continue to require hydration throughout the fall and winter months. Adequate soil moisture is crucial for root health and freeze protection, particularly for evergreens which experience transpiration throughout the winter. Implement a deep watering regimen, providing sufficient moisture to penetrate the root zone (12-18 inches deep) on a weekly basis.
Mulching serves as an effective insulator, moderating soil temperatures and mitigating the effects of freeze-thaw cycles. A 3-4 inch layer of organic mulch, such as shredded bark or wood chips, should be applied around the base of trees and shrubs, maintaining a few inches of clearance from the trunk to prevent potential rot.
Young trees are particularly susceptible to rodent damage during the winter when food sources become scarce. Protect vulnerable trunks by installing physical barriers such as hardware cloth or plastic tree guards. Ensure the guards are embedded a few inches below the soil line to prevent rodents from circumventing them.
Evergreens, especially those exposed to harsh winds and winter sun, can experience desiccation and browning known as winter burn. Employ burlap wraps or strategically positioned windbreaks to shield vulnerable foliage and minimize moisture loss.
Late-season pruning and fertilization can stimulate new growth that is susceptible to cold damage. Defer pruning activities until late winter or early spring when the risk of frost has subsided. Fertilization should be conducted in the spring or early fall to coincide with optimal nutrient uptake periods.
Prior to the onset of winter, carefully inspect trees and shrubs for signs of pests, diseases, or other potential stressors. Early detection and intervention are critical for maintaining plant health and preventing further complications. Consult with a qualified arborist or your local county extension office for guidance on appropriate management strategies.
By implementing these essential but simple care suggestions, Wisconsin and Minnesota homeowners can effectively protect their trees and shrubs from winter's challenges, protecting their long-term health and beauty.
Contact us today for winter tree services!
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